Door to A New World of Astrology


Astrology is a noble science. Some say that it is an art,  others reject it as an illusion. Some people who have not had much disappointments or difficulties in their lives say that they do not believe in astrology. In my experience, astrology is not only a science, but it can very accurately guide you in making correct decisions at every stage of your life. It can give very precise results, such as a person’s educational path and career in life. Similarly, it can also reveal the sharpness of a person’s mind or the degree of an individual’s brilliancy.

Astrology is not fortune telling. It is based on scientific calculations of the different aspects of planetary placements in certain constellations at a particular moment of time. People who are born in this world at any moment of time, have certain characteristics, which are related to the positions of the heavenly bodies at that moment in time. These characteristics are different from those people born at other times, due to different planetary positions at their birth time. The horoscope is a chart where the time is frozen at the individual’s birth time and planets are indicated as fixed in certain degrees in different houses. For this reason a horoscope is also referred to as a birth chart or natal chart. One can determine the birth time, birth date and even birthplace as well, by using reverse calculations.

However, it should be noted that as soon as a child is born, his environment begins to modify his character. Mostly the upbringing and education moulds the personality of all individuals. We all develop certain qualities which could either be positive, negative or mixed, based on our environment. Thus selfishness may emerge as unselfishness, kindness may become cruelty and a constructive person may, through frustration, become destructive and so on. The apparent character depends upon so many variables such as the individual’s country, the area, the surroundings, his or her family and their customs, the mother and her education, the food they eat, the teachers and of course, last but not least the friends’ circle.

The latent characteristics, with which we were born with, can become something ‘superficially’ different due to factors, such as the environment, or a good or bad upbringing which can act in contradiction with the astrological descriptions of the character, but the true character will still be buried deep beneath these essentially ‘superficial’ traits. Astrology is a Vedang Science. Means it is a part of Vedas. In early age, Vedas were verbally taught to pupil, there were no written books for this great knowledge. It was treated as sin to write all such things on paper or any media. That is the reason no written ancient scritures on Vedas are available. This means science of astrology was also taught verbally only. That is a great reason some importat themes have been lost in due course of time. In ancient time when this knowledge was preserved in written formate so many important aspects of this science might have been lost or not produced properly. By the grace of God, ancestors of Guruji’s Guru had preserved this science in more accurate manner.

As of today, the science and knowledge of astrology still remains incomplete. This is largely due to a misinterpretation of the writings of our ancient sages because of language barriers and the inability to correctly translate the inner essence of their teachings. Most of such precious ancient wisdom and invaluable works have been lost over a period of time. The later translations of the verses, interpreted by individuals, may not be correct or may be colored by personal opinions. Major portions of untranslated works are either not available or known only to certain people and still remain hidden (as parampara). Therefore, the present concept of this divine science contains only a certain portion of it. The same case applies to the Ashtakavarga system also. The major portion of it is lost and therefore, not available. I have given some verses in this book sourced from various books, which have similar meanings, to what was taught by my own Guruji. There may be a possibility of some variation in the exact meaning, but the main theme remains the same. There were some Sanskrit verses where no definite meanings were given, but I have clarified and interpreted them to their nearest logical meaning. For example, in many verses there is mention of a planet with more points in its ashtakvarga giving better results. Here, the meaning of ‘more points’ is not clear. Hence while giving the meaning I have used numerical values of ashtakvarga points as indicating the good or bad strength of the planets. These shlokes or verses are given only for the purpose of reference.That is the reason why this very important and nearly accurate system is not followed. For example, the ‘upachayas’ are merely referred to in all the textbooks of astrology, but its meaning or how to use ‘Upachaya’ sthan is not mentioned anywhere, hence nobody uses the upachayas’ sthan while ascertaining the results. Similarly, the procedure for “timing an event” is not described anywhere. On the contrary, some well-known masters have written that “timing of an individual’s marriage” is not possible. Others have given some thumb rules which are at the best, very vague and confusing.

Krushana’s Ashtakvarg System (KAS) is based on Ashtakavarga and Upachay houses. This system is very precise and employs a scientific way of “timing of events” in a chart. The stronger planet is the most capable in triggering the event or giving result in its antar dasha. This helps in “timing of an event” for the result indicated by any house with the use of common sense and logic.


Main Differences between KAS Astrology and General Ashtakavarga System

1. The “Krushana’s Ashtakvarg System” (KAS) is unique and different from the General Ashtakavarga system which is in practice. Ashtakvarg which is generally described in various books, (is more imaginary and very much away from facts) is used only for finding the longevity of a person. Strength of any house or any planet is not to be taken in isolation, as referred by general astrologers. The upachaya sthans play a very important role in evaluating the strength of houses. In KAS, the strength of planets for different houses is determined by using upachaya houses and the cumulative effect of all planets. In KAS, a set of houses are referred to as ABCDEF which actually represent the different Upachaya placements, for study of any particular house.

2. KAS uses its own ayanansha, which is called ‘KAY’ (Krushana’s Ayanansha). The effect of an ayanansha is mainly seen as giving some differences in the calculations in the Vimshottari dasha periods and in the longitudes of planets. Always a correct antar dasha is very important in timing of events. Use of any other ayanansha in place of KAY will result in change of Vimshottari dasha and antar periods leading to mismatch and improper timing of any event. Therefore, for this system KAY is specifically insisted upon for getting accurate results.

3. KAS uses the Vimshottari Mahadasha based on Moon and only up to the 2nd level or sub-periods, which is generally referred to as bhukti, antra or antar dasha.

4. In KAS only bindus (benefic points) are used and considered.

5. KAS has developed its own Excel computer program that automatically casts the chart, calculates the sarvasthakvarga table and worksheet considering the sights of the planets for all the twelve houses by exclusively using only the KAY, Krushana’s Ayanansha. It gives all the necessary information needed for interpreting all the twelve houses of the chart.
Krushana’s Ashtakavarga System (KAS) calculates the strength of planets for each and every house. It also shows the way in which points are distributed amongst all the planets to certain houses based upon planetary placements in the chart which in turn enables us to arrive at precise and accurate results for all the houses.

KAS Software

This system is integrated in KAS Software which is freely available with KAS Dimension Book Reader 1

(Genesis – KAS Dimension Reader 1)