Rectification of C-Sec Or Normal Birth Time
Level Up Rectification

Birth Time Rectification
Before You Proceed -
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1. Note down your Sun Sign and Degree
2. Note down Your Moon Star or Nakshatra
3. Note down Sun rise time at your birth place
1. Note down your Sun Sign and Degree
2. Note down Your Moon Star or Nakshatra
3. Note down Sun rise time at your birth place
• Fill your original birth time
- if you find any error/inaccuracy in this program, Email @
Nakshatra will change every six seconds in this program. Therefore, first match Ascendant, then try to match birth Nakshatra. This will be very helpful to rectify birth time of a C-section born person. Match your birth Nakshatra from set of three Nakshatra’s by adjusting Minutes & Seconds. Once you macth your birth nakshatra. You are all set. Note the time in hours, minutes and seconds displayed. If you are making any changes, re-click Calculate button for new values.
* You can also match past events with the help of software and make necessary changes for the next level rectification
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